About Us

The DuPage Derby Dames are the premiere women's flat track roller derby league in the western suburbs of Chicago. Our intention is to provide the women of our community with an opportunity to get involved in the exciting, fast-paced sport that fosters respect and builds confidence. The DuPage Derby Dames do not discriminate against ability, race, religion, national origin, age, gender, or sexual orientation. The Dames are dedicated to encouraging an atmosphere of support, physical fitness and female empowerment. Every member shall exhibit behavior that brings honor and distinction to our league, the sport of Roller Derby and the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) as we maintain our membership as a Member League within that organization.

The purpose of the DuPage Derby Dames is to promote education to the community about roller derby, the benefits of participating in this competitive sport, and raise funds and awareness for local charities, such as the People's Resource Center in DuPage County.

Being involved in roller derby helps our athletes develop leadership characteristics as well as sportsmanship and team skills. These skills not only benefit our league, but the DuPage community as a whole. As a skater owned and skater run non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, we are committed to supporting local charities and our community through volunteer services and fundraising.Each participant contributes volunteer hours to help the league grow and expand.