Bully The Kid

Bully The Kid #29
"She's hell on wheels...baby she's gunnin for you!"

Why this derby name and number?
My Nick-Name has been "kid" most my life and my dad's was "Bully" instead of Billy. so...since I am a huge fan of old west outlaws and gun sligers it just kinda fits me!!

What is your hometown?
Wheaton, IL

How did you get into derby?
I have always wanted to be a roller girl!! When I found out my long time friend became a dame she said come with me I was hooked!! Love these Dames! Thanks, Pink POW-Her Ranger

Who is your derby wife?
Katty WhompAss

Drink of Choice?
Captain and Diet or Bud Light

Favorite song(s) to skate to?
Pretty much anything with a good beat! Certain songs at certain times!!

Weapon of Choice?
Pistol... preferably a 45

Favorite Movie?
Of all time? Overboard, Recently? Transformers

Non-Derby Hobbies?

Words of Advice?
Be loyal! Be trustworthy! Be positive and never regret!

If you could have one superhero power what would it be?
Sonic Speed

If you weren't playing roller derby what would you be doing?
Wishing I had a sport to be involved in!

Favorite Quote?
“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe

Any last words?
Roller Derby Rocks!!! Fight like hell to find something you love and do whatever it takes to keep it!!!