Why this derby name and number?
SMAC! is a combination of my first name (Stephanie) and my nickname (Mac)… Also I tend to SMAC! into walls…. floors…. people….. objects…. My number 724 is the original area code for Western Pennsylvania.

What is your hometown?
Latrobe, Pennsylvania. I currently live in Chicago.

How did you get into derby?
I had a co-worker who wouldn’t stop talking about it! I am grateful for her enthusiasm and for all the bruises she showed me. I knew I had to try it!

Who is your derby wife?
Half Black Betty (my 1st wife), Squid Pro Quo and Holly Daze. They are very supportive and great friends!

Drink of Choice?
Water – Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
Black coffee – Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

I also enjoy red wine, Yuengling beer and Jack Daniels

Favorite song(s) to skate to?
Anything with a strong/fast beat.

Weapon of Choice?
A crochet hook.

Favorite Movie?
Anything besides scary movies. They give me nightmares!

Non-Derby Hobbies?
Napping, teaching, napping, eating, napping, crocheting, napping, playing tennis,napping, running. And napping.

Words of Advice?
If you’re unhappy with how things are going, change it, you’re not a tree.

If you could have one superhero power what would it be?
Time travel. I would give anything to go back in time and spend a few more precious moments with a few angels.

If you weren't playing roller derby what would you be doing?
I don’t understand this question.

Favorite Quote?
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. – Mahatma Gandhi

Any last words?
Don’t forget to laugh, it’s good for the soul!